I recently launched version 9. Here's the change list:
- The 1 hour time limit on editing posts has been removed. You can edit your posts at any time.
- You can now edit comments. Like posts, there is no time limit for editing comments.
- Edit links for posts and comments now appear on every post and comment. Previously the edit links would only display on certain pages.
- At the top of comment permalink pages there is now an additional link that will take you back to the post with the comment fragment in the URL. In other words, you will go back to the post and jump down to the comment. Previously there was only a link that simply went back to the post. Now there are both.
- For each comment in the nested comment trees, there is a new "link#" link that will add the comment fragment to the URL. In other words, when you click this new link you will stay on the page and jump to the comment and the comment will be highlighted.
- The "What is Peaches 'n' Stink?" section in the instruction manual was rewritten.
- A couple other minor color and spacing changes.