I'm from the US but I've been living in Portugal for 5 years. You may have heard that it has high produce pesticides - that's pretty bad but you can avoid it to some extent. You also may have heard that it has a lot of bureaucracy and things take forever (this doesn't really bother me). Some people really hate those two things. But by far the worst thing about Portugal is the constant grinding and jack hammering of concrete.
In Portugal all buildings are made out of concrete and brick, they don't use wood. So, when someone wants to redo their flat's floor it's 2 weeks of jack hammering concrete 8 hours a day. When someone wants to redo their whole flat it's 3 months of jack hammering concrete 8 hours a day. It's so bad and it's such bad mental health for a lot of people inside the same building. Even if it's in a different building that you're near it's hard to handle.
What can we do about this? I think they need to put a heavy tax/fee on unit demolishing. I would recommend to not live near old buildings.