Whosever idea it was to create spray sunscreen is a fucking idiot.
When someone uses spray on sunscreen it creates a sunscreen mist in the air that's inhaled by people. Scary!
I remember being on vacation 10 years ago with some friends. We hopped in a cab, and since it was hot out, the AC went on and the windows went up. My friend starts using spray on sunscreen in the cab with the windows up. Jesus, I don't want to breath that in.
Or when you're at the beach downwind from someone applying spray sunscreen, I usually run off to the side. It's ridiculous.
The problem is that a lot of people are oblivious to microscopic invisible particles flying around in the air.

Or maybe the nozzle shouldn't be as strong so people don't spray as much.
Whosever idea it was to create this is a fucking idiot.
How could I see naked women under the sun since the bikini ?
That's a shame.
I like the bikini, it tickles the imagination.