I think that posts with only title (160 chars I believe) should be called micro posts, micro messages or tweets.
Posts with only a title and content are called posts.
Posts that have a link are called links (regardless of any other fields).
Maybe the above 3 types will be formalized and put into the system in some way, so that, for instance, you would be able to view only tweets or only links.
I am also thinking of implementing map and debate post types.
I am also considering making it so that certain groups will trigger actions. This will allow us to connect to other instances of PNS without needing to add admins. For example, if you were to use a domain name as a group for a post, then the system would check to see if the domain name is an instance of PNS and if so add it to its registered nodes. Not totally sure on this, but it sounds neat.
Edit: Also, maybe image and video post types but those have hard moderation problems.

What do you mean by PNS instances ? Do you mean I can host an r/ group and administrate it from my own PNS and your users can see and interact from your instance on my instance ? As in the fediverse ?
That sound neat, yes.