by iloveny123 on Jun 30, 2021 link
Its a good idea in theory, but there is still some burning technical questions that need to be resolved, particularly around energy, resource, and compute consumption.

Usually all the people that I see that are against crypto have already made their money and are living comfortably. Russ Cox, Drew Devault, etc... have all made statements speaking against crypto, but all these people have millions of dollars in their accounts. Methinks they own crypto secretly and just speak out against it to discourage others from participating.

Bitcoin was the first major one but I think Monero or Etherum is the future of Cryptocurrency. I do like LBRY but i would wait to see how the govt lawsuit effects their operations. I wouldn't buy any crypto that is too new. So many scams so you have to be careful. Crypto is not for people that aren't good with technology.
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